Special Focus In the month of August the special focus area centred on political rights, freedom of assembly and association, personal security, property rights and right to administrative justice. Political Rights ZPP recorded a total number of 39 cases in which the political rights of citizens were violated. Manicaland had 7 cases which recorded the highest number and Midlands had the lowest with 2 cases. On 23 August 3 CCC activists were arrested at a polling station in Mazowe West ward 26. Reports indicate that they were moving in a vehicle transporting food to CCC polling agents. The activist’s vehicle was reportedly barricaded by members of FAZ who alerted the police. The trio was taken to Mvurwi Police station and were later transferred to Bindura Law and Order Bindura. Section 67 of the Constitution states that every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice, to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause. Right to Personal Security ZPP recorded over 60 cases related to the violation of the right to personal security. Manicaland and Harare recorded the highest cases. Citizens Coalition for Change activists led by their chief election agent were brutally assaulted by Zanu PF supporters in Goromonzi South.The incident happened on polling day on 23 August. It is said that the CCC activists were moving with a vehicle deploying polling agents when they were attacked by ruling party supporters. They reportedly found the roads barricaded with several ruling party youths armed with sticks and sjamboks. The perpetrators started beating them indiscriminately and one of the activists, who had offered his vehicle to ferry polling agents, sustained body injuries. It is alleged that the perpetrators robbed them of USD 1800 before escaping to evade identification. Section 52 of the Constitution states that every Zimbabwean has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right to freedom from all forms of violence from public or private sources. Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognise that every person has the right to personal liberty and security, and this is supported by Article 6 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR). Page 11

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