  produce Zanu-PF membership cards by councillor, Shepherd Rusike. Those who did not have party cards were told to buy from the Zanu-PF youths who were selling party cards for US$5. A few people managed to get the money to pay and got the 20kg roller meal and 2 litres cooking oil and 2 kg sugar beans. The remaining food was taken to the councillor’s home where those who would get money to buy cards were told to go and get the foodstuffs. On 27 April 2016, in Ward 6 in Murehwa North, Chikowa 1 Cooperative Shopping Centre there was food distribution from Social Welfare by councillor Kanyemba. Kanyemba had an argument with Sylvester Muronda the chairperson for People’s Democratic Party (PDP) who he told he was not supposed to benefit because he leads PDP. At Zvichemo Business Centre, Ward 20 in Chikomba Central, one, Claude Marimbe (not real name) a former MDC supporter has never benefited from the food distribution since the programme started because of his former affiliation with the opposition party. Mashonaland West     On 16 April 2016, at Benhura Primary School in Ward 5, Mhondoro Ngezi, Simon Chiwepu (not real name) was prevented from receiving maize by Moses Benhura the village head of Zhangazha Village because of supporting MDC-T party. The maize was distributed by Social Welfare and was handed over to the village head to distribute. Chiwepu tried to argue but the village head insisted that the food was for Zanu-PF supporters only. On 16 April 2016, officers from the Kadoma Social Welfare went to Benhura Primary School in Mhondoro-Ngezi to distribute food to the elderly, sick and orphans. The councillor for Ward 5, Ephraim Pepukai Chengeta, told people that everyone in the ward was going to benefit. Young people were registered first resulting in the elderly and disabled being left out. Farai Muzondo (not real name) who is disabled did not benefit and it is alleged he was replaced by Worship Murandu an able bodied person. On 22 April 2016, at Chishumba Township in Hurungwe Central, councillor for Ward 10 Badwell Tasara of Zanu-PF is said to have told people that he was not going to give people maize unless they work for it. The maize was not under the food for work scheme and people refused to work. The district administrator had told people that they should not work for the maize but the councillor insisted that people work. It is not known where the maize was taken to since the people refused to work for the maize. In Hurungwe West there was fighting at Sengwe Township on Saturday 23 April 2016 between Pauline Ndere (not real name) and Chief Nyamhunga's security officer Bitwell Ndengwa over disputed distribution of maize. It is alleged that the misunderstanding rose when the woman was denied access to maize over unclear reasons. The perpetrator who is the acting headman of Kaimbanemoyo Village is accused of first assaulting the woman who is a widow and has a daughter who is paralyzed. It is also reported that the woman had participated in the food for work programme and was supposed to benefit from this distribution but she was taken off 24

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