FOOD AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Manicaland   On 14 April 2016, in Makoni South Ward 23, MDC-T members, Viola Shamu, Prisco Ndoro and Maina Hukwe (not real names) of Zumbani Village were denied access to food aid by the headman Davy Zumbani. The headman claimed that the aid was coming from a Zanu-PF government and there was no way it could benefit members of the opposition. The food consisted of a 50kg bag of maize availed by Social Welfare to mitigate the effects of drought. On the day in question, the headman cancelled the victims’ names from the beneficiaries list. On 15 April 2016, in Dangamvura Chikanga constituency, Lyvia Kadzeti of Zanu-PF and of Gimboki Housing Scheme, denied ZimPF member, John Chitsungo (not real name) also of Gimboki, access to food aid. The aid was in the form of a 50kg bag of maize. The victim was about to receive his share when the actor said no one from ZimPF should get the food. Mashonaland Central  On 8 April 2016, a meeting was called for the distribution of maize in Mazowe Central. Names of beneficiaries were written down. The maize was said to have been donated by First Lady Grace Mugabe so people were urged to support Zanu-PF only. People were allegedly threatened with unspecified action especially those who were perceived to be deviating from Zanu-PF.  On 20 April 2016 some MDC-T supporters were denied access to food assistance at a food distribution at Hoya Primary School in Muzarabani South. Perpetrators were Jairos Bonie (assistant district administrator), Honest Kamba (head of intelligence in Centenary), Faxwell Mutinhima aka Changara (chief Kasekete) and James Viega (Zanu-PF District chairperson). The victims had refused to join Zanu-PF. The food assistance was from Social welfare.  On 21 April 2016 at Machaya Business Centre in Ward 3 in Muzarabani, Shorai Nzanga, Alec Dutiro and David Muswera (not real names), who were as food insecure as their neighbours, were not included on a list where names were being written down as beneficiaries for the drought relief aid from the Social Welfare. It is alleged the victims were denied because of their affiliation to MDC-T. Mashonaland East   On 13 April 2016, people of wards 7 and 8 gathered at Chabwino Farm in Goromonzi West, for food aid distribution from the government. The distribution was led by the councillors of the respective wards together with village heads and the Zanu-PF committee members. The food aid was meant for the elderly people and the disabled people but reports were that some of the Zanu-PF supporters without disabilities received allocations. 16 April 2016, at Rusike Shopping, Ward 18 in Goromonzi South, there was distribution of food that was sourced by Member of Parliament Petronella Kagonye and was meant for widows and elderly. People were gathered but were then asked to 23

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