#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MIDLANDS PROVINCE In the Midlands Province, there were violent clashes at the , ZanuPF offices in Kwekwe where the party was holding its district verification process of its supporters and officials. The clash pitted supporters of two aspiring Parliamentary byelection candidates . Kwekwe Central is due to have a by-election in 2022 and it being the home town of President Emmerson Mnangagwa makes it a potential hotbed of intra party clashes. Currently, two candidates, Kandros Mugabe and Energy’ Dhala’ Ncube are leading the roll of aspiring candidates and so far there has been tension. Partisan aid distribution also happened in the province and one example is at Chinyenyetu Hall in Gokwe Nembudziya, where ZanuPF member Addington Mutirwa, while addressing a meeting, said hat farming inputs were supposed to be only given to ZanuPF supporters and no one else HARARE Zimbabwe‘s two major political parties Zanu PF and MDC-Alliance continued to violate Covid-19 protocols on gatherings through political activities held around the province. On 5 November a large crowd of Zanu PF supporters thronged the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport to welcome President Mnangagwa on his return from a trip to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, Scotland during the COP26 conference. Two weeks later on 14 November MDC Alliance supporters who had convened in Mabvuku for the party’s 22 anniversary celebrations were violently dispersed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police. MDC Alliance secretary-general Chalton Hwende confirmed the arrests of at least 15 party supporters who attended the event which he was scheduled to address. The activists were detained at Mabvuku Tafara police station. Although both parties violated Covid-19 protocols the police remained biased towards Zanu PF supporters as no arrests were made at the airport however MDC Alliance activists were rounded up by the police. ZPP therefore implores the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to execute their duties in a professional manner and enforce the law without fear or favour. MASHONALAND CENTRAL MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa’s tour to meet opinion leaders, councillors and other duty bearers in Mashonaland Central Province faced violent reactions from suspected Zanu PF supporters. Chamisa’s team comprising of party activists and his security team faced challenges in Shamva, Mvurwi, Muzarabani and Mbire areas. These areas reportedly turned into a warzone as roads were barricaded with stones, tree logs and other materials. In Muzarabani North Zanu PF called for an urgent meeting at Muzarabani Growth point following rumours that MDC-Alliance President Nelson Chamisa was coming to address people in Muzarabani. Ruling party activists were mobilised to convene at the venue where Chamisa was scheduled to engage community leaders and other stakeholders. In Mbire Chamisa is said to have evaded roadblocks mounted by suspected Zanu PF supporters and state security agents. He reportedly used a motorbike to travel to Mbire to evade his adversaries. Sources say that state security agents and some Zanu PF supporters were trailing Chamisa’s convoy and the opposition leader was forced to abandon it and use a motorbike. In Bindura South, Chamisa security team reportedly clashed with State security agents and Zanu PF youths resulting in gunshots being fired to disperse both parties.

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