#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASHONALAND EAST In November, Mashonaland East recorded a significant increase in number of violations as compared to October. In one of the major cases, police enforcing the COVID-19 curfew unleashed dogs on revellers in Chivhu. Darlington Manjokota was not so lucky and he suffered immense dog bite wounds on his hand and had to be admitted to Chivhu General Hospital. When Manjokota confronted a police officer by the name Ruziwa the next morning over the matter, the officer threatened to throw Manjokota into the cells now accusing him of throwing a stone at the police dog. The stifling of opposition activities continued and in Mutoko and once again there was collusion between Zanu PF and the Zimbabwe Republic Police. At the time Chamisa was due to visit the area as part of his countrywide campaign tour, police reportedly told vendors at Corner store in Mutoko to stop operations for three days. The distribution of the government’s Pfumvudza inputs continued to happen in a politicised manner and MDC Alliance activists were reportedly denied the inputs in Murehwa and Mudzi as they were told to get their inputs from Nelson Chamisa. Zanu PF Councillors and Zanu PF aligned traditional leaders continued to be the major perpetrators of rights violations in most of the rural communities across Mashonaland East. MASHONALAND WEST The highlight of the month in Mashonaland West was the two cases of evictions in Hurungwe, during. 63 families are currently living at a roadside along the Harare-Chirundu Highway. The families were evicted from Waterloo farm by one Vincent Chigwedere following a three-year dispute between the families and Chigwedere. The evicted families moved to the farm in 2018 and the dispute was taken to courts and it is only in October this year that a court order was issued for their eviction. Following the issuing of the order, armed police moved in and forcibly remove the families from the farm. It is reported that police asked the villagers to burn their own houses and move out of the farm within 48 hours. During this incident police reportedly used excessive force and left some of the victims injured. Eight of the evicted villagers you have since been arrested and are being prosecuted for, among other things resisting arrest, failing to abide by a court order and assaulting the police. The ZPP team could not verify some of the charges the eight are facing. The families are in need of temporary shelter, food and other basic needs, especially for the young children who are in there are dozens. There are no toilets where they are living and they get their water from a dam kilometres away. Some of the families are sharing a single plastic as temporary shelter which is not adequate. There is a high risk of an outbreak of diseases like malaria, cholera and typhoid resulting from the poor living conditions. Young children also risk getting malnutrition, infections or being run over by vehicles is these people I settled only a few meters from the busy highway. A seven year old child died on the spot after being run over by a vehicle, a day after the evictees settled by that roadside. In Mhondoro Ngezi in Benhura Village Wad 5, it is alleged that four unmarked vehicles surrounded the house of Tedious Benhura. Five state agents then pounced on Benhura and accused him of receiving and distributing MDC Alliance material. The five agents reportedly searched Benhura’s home claiming that he had received farming tools from the MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa. The state agents did not produce a search warrant neither did they produce their identification. The five agents warned Benhura not to work with MDC activists. BULAWAYO PROVINCE Political tensions continue to rise in the province. Zanu PF members forced some vendors to attend the funeral proceedings of the late national hero Simon Khaya Moyo, Vendors who chose to stay behind were told that they would lose their stands because they had defied the orders of the party. Zanu PF is currently also targeting vendors so as to boost its membership and aim to have five million voters in 2023. It was reported that ZanuPF members led by a man only identified as Siziba, were going around the stands forcing vendors to buy their membership cards for US$2. It is said that vendors were warned that they risk losing their stands if they did not buy party cards.

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