#4YEARSON Police and other state agents have openly and actively applied the law selectively in favour of the ruling party. FOOD and other AID Food and other aid continue to be used as tools for coercion and ZPP recorded 359 cases of discrimination of people during aid distribution. Many in rural communities rely on aid, and Zanu PF used its influence in government to influence the determination of who gets or does not get aid. Those who choose not to support the party or participate in its activities are left out. The goal is to intimidate, isolate, weaken and impoverish members of the community who have the courage to assert their Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of association and assembly. Zanu PF has used this strategy across the country and each month, ZPP recorded an average of 30 such cases. Just as the last November, the cases rise this month when government avails inputs under the Presidential and Pfumvudza schemes. Equitable distribution of aid regardless of people’s diverse political affiliation is a hallmark of the recognition of the ‘strength in our diversity’ that President Mnangagwa spoke about when he was sworn in, in 2017. In that regard, his government has failed citizens who pinned a lot of hope on the government. STATE SECURITY BIAS Throughout the year 2021, Zanu PF and the Zimbabwe Republic Police took turns to lead the list of human rights violators and for the past three months, Zanu PF has taken the lead, contributing to over 50 percent of all violations while the ZRP has come second at an average 30 percent each month. Police and other state agents have openly and actively applied the law selectively in favour of the ruling party. For example, despite the suspects in the alleged murder of MDC Alliance supporter Nyasha Zhambe Mawere being known, police have not made any arrests. State security agents are supposed to discharge their duties with impartiality and professionalism and this is not happening. The irony is that after soldiers shot dead six civilians on 1 August 2018, President Mnangagwa established a Commission to enquire into the incident. The Commission led by former South African president Kgalema Motlanthe, came up with recommendations for the reform of the state security system. This has not happened and three years later, Zimbabwe is drawing towards another election with a state security system that is heavily biased towards the ruling party. In the end, it is the citizens who are at the receiving end of human rights violations because the police, who should protect people, and the ruling party, which is supposed to work for all Zimbabweans, are colluding to violate rights for the political gain of Zanu PF. OUR KEY ASKS In light of this, ZPP calls on the following: • Government should institute investigations of all serious human rights abuses over the past four years and ensure that citizens get justice. State security agents who have acted outside their mandate should be brought to book without fear or favour. • Government should reverse and cease the fast tracking of Draconian legislation such as the PVO Amendment Bill meant to shut down civil and democratic space. This will restore confidence in the country and government and result in the nation focusing on the real development agenda. • Government should genuinely open up space for national cohesion, dialogue, healing and reconciliation and not work towards increasing the levels of polarisation and intolerance through the widespread use of state institutions to suppress dissent and alternative voices. • State Security reform is long overdue and government should, without delay, implement the recommendations of the Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry, which set out what state security agents are expected to do to deal with and avoid the repeat of abuse of citizens as witnessed on August 1, 2018, when soldiers fired live ammunition at protesters, killing six and injuring dozens others. • Zimbabwe’s Constitution provides a basis for the enjoyment of human rights by all citizens. The government should therefore embrace a culture of Constitutionalism and ensure that all citizens exercise and enjoy the socio-economic rights due to them.

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