14 December Right to Food Freedom of Association 24 December Right to Food Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland East 14 December Right to Food 16 December Right to Food 17 December Right to Food Right to Personal Security 23 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Right to Food During food distribution in Marondera West at Manyaira Centre, Zanu PF chairperson Bonface Manyaira and the ward 10 councillor forced people to pay fifty cents each for transport yet the food was delivered by government trucks. The villagers complained and alleged that the pair had raised $230 which was shared between them and a few other committee members. In Seke, Councillor Ngarande of Zanu PF is alleged to have exclusively invited Zanu PF members to collect rice provided under the government scheme. All those said to be opposition supporters did not benefit. MDC-T activist, *Walter Rob, was assaulted by Zanu PF supporters, Gift Midzi and five others after he asked them why they only gave food aid to Zanu PF supporters and excluded opposition party supporters yet the rice was meant for all deserving community members. The distribution was in ward 4 at Marondera Central. No report was made due to fear of victimization. Only Zanu PF members were registered to receive free maize seed and fertilizer in Chikomba West. The names were collected from wards 9, 11 and 12 and supplied by the Zanu PF chairpersons. Government provided rice was distributed in Goromonzi South to Zanu PF supporters by ward 4, 5 and 9 Zanu PF chairpersons. Chairpersons first vetted all beneficiaries. In Goromonzi North Zanu PF supporters were registering beneficiaries for food aid and farm inputs to be provided by the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. During the registration opposition party supporters were told that they could only enlist their 28 December 31 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Zanu PF ward 11 councillor, Gwashure Madhanda, and his secretary, Tedson Nyamaharo, accused *Tarisai Zuze and *Linda Chiso, of belonging to opposition MDC-T and Zim PF, respectfully. As a result the two did not receive fertilizer and seeds as aid for the under privileged. The councillor claimed that the agricultural inputs were meant for Zanu PF members in Rushinga. Village head Kawanzarwa of Kawanzarwa village in Mazowe East is alleged to have denied about twenty people access to seed and fertilizer because they are known MDC-T supporters. The distribution was held at Takawira Centre. 19

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