Dignity Province 18 December Right to Food 20 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Date At Biriri Township in ward 17, Chimanimani West, *Sharon Nyadenga and *Philip Shereni of MDC-T were allegedly denied access to maize seed and fertilizer by Zanu PF chairperson Khaima Mukamba. When it was Nyadenga and Shereni’s turn to each receive a 10 kg bag of maize seed, Mukamba asked them to produce Zanu PF membership cards, which they did not have. Mukamba allegedly told the victims that he was voted in to serve Zanu PF members first. *Matthew Mugoni an MDC-T supporter was denied maize seed by councillor Muzivi of Zanu PF. Although Mugoni had registered as a beneficiary, he was told that his name did not appear on the list of beneficiaries from Bwizi village in ward 19 of Mutare West. HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland 4 December Central Right to Food 5 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Ward 32 councillor, Edith Mudzimu, has been accused of looting maize and storing it at her house after she refused to give several beneficiaries alleging that they belong to opposition political parties and will not benefit from state resources. The affected included *Rudo Samuriwo and *Knowledge Mombeshora from Villa Franca Farm in Mazowe South. Mitchelle Kasere, ward 33 councillor and Zanu PF chairperson in Rujeko Centre, Mazowe, is alleged to have barred *Prince Gumbo, an MDC-T activist from accessing GMB rice saying the food was for Zanu PF and not MDC-T supporters. 6 December Right to Food Freedom of Association Councillor Makabhaji Zinganga allegedly denied *Faith Choga and *Elina Midzi access to free seed and fertilizer accusing them of belonging to Zim PF and therefore not deserving government aid. While distributing the aid at Kapiripiri ward Centre, the councillor and his committee claimed the inputs were for Zanu PF supporters only. 10 December Right to Food Freedom of Association In Greendale ward 17 at Chungudzi old Clinic during distribution of aid in Mazowe, Dominic Chimumba, the Zanu PF ward 17 councillor, is alleged to have stopped *Wallace Maposa, of Zim PF, from getting government supplied fertiliser and seed claiming that these were not for opposition party supporters. 18

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