Chidzivo of Madaupandu village asked for his identity. After identifying himself Chidzivo started assaulting him with fists and booted feet accusing him of supporting Torerai Moyo (Zanu PF), who is the sitting MP, during the just-ended Zanu PF primary elections. His teeth were left shaking, and he later visited the hospital where four teeth were removed. In Gokwe Gumunyu, ward 14, it is reported that at a CCC candidate selection process Oscar Chivhanga and DavidMunamati were vying for the councillor post. However, on the eve of the vetting process, Munamati allegedly threatened Chivhanga with unspecified action and forced him to withdraw his candidature. Therefore, on the vetting day, M a n a m a t i s u b m i t te d h i s p a p e r s w h i l e Chivhanga unwillingly withdrew as a result of the threats that he had received from Munamati. Mashonaland East Independence Day celebrations that were meant to unite communities became a platform to rob the poor and intimidate and harass opposition activists. Zanu PF aligned traditional leaders and councillors personalised the national day and coerced villagers into contributing money to fund the celebrations. In some rural communities such as Marondera West everyone above the age of 18 was requested to pay USD $1 towards the commemorations. Despite the economic hardships, most rural dwellers are subjected to Zanu PF activists’ threats as they continue to force villagers into contributing. At Manyaira Shopping Centre Ward 10 in Marondera West on 13 April, Zanu PF Chairperson Joseph Banire allegedly forced villagers above the age of 18 to pay USD $1 for the Independence Day celebrations. On 15 April a case on the violation of property rights, intimidation and harassment was reported in Topo, Mandireva and Kanofama villages ward 7 in Mudzi South. It is alleged that traditional leaders aligned to the ruling Zanu PF party, among them Stanford Makona and Smart Kanofama, forced villagers and churches to contribute money toward Independence Day celebrations. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023 20

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