trial for two other charges of incitement to commit violence and disorderly conduct. The crackdown on the freedom of expression continues unabated as a Harare man was arrested on 7 April on charges of insulting President Mnangagwa after he allegedly said the Zanu PF leader was a failure and would lose the elections expected sometime in August this year. The victim appeared before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi and was remanded in custody pending bail application. Recommendations Civil society should continue to challenge laws that criminalise people who exercise their constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms namely freedom of expression and freedom to demonstrate and petition. Right to personal security of Election Observers and Journalists Media organisations continued to petition the Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda asking for Parliament to investigate cases of cyberbullying and threats against journalists. In a joint letter to Mudenda, Zimbabwe Union of Journalist s (ZUJ), Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum (ZINEF) and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) stated that threats on journalists instil fear and selfcensorship among them. This compromises citizens’ right to access to information as provided for by the Constitution. This follows sustained attacks on Twitter, whereby the account of Tinoedza Zvimwe alleged to belong to P re s i d e n t i a l S p o ke s p e r s o n G e o rg e Charamba, was used to threaten journalists with imprisonment for constantly reporting on the Al Jazeera ‘Gold Mafia’ documentary on alleged gold smuggling and money laundering in Zimbabwe. 7 Repeated threats against the media are retrogressive and unconstitutional. Election observers have also raised concerns over their safety and security during the observation of international elections as they remain vulnerable to attacks and threats. This came out in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Electoral Advisory Council’s (SEAC) engagement with journalists to assess the political environment. Zimbabwe’s First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa on 24 April also reportedly barred journalists from the private media from covering her tour of the Museum of African Liberation in Harare. Her security aides reportedly stated that only journalists from State media were allowed to cover the event. Before this on the 22nd of April President Mnangagwa reportedly barred a BuStop TV news crew from covering the handing over of Deeds of Grant to residents in Epworth, Harare. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023

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