Mashonaland Central The Independence Day commemorations held in Mt Darwin on 18 April were characterised by intimidation and harassment of citizens in Mashonaland Central province. What was supposed to be a unifying and celebratory event turned out to be different with most vendors, shop owners and flea market traders in Mt Darwin town forced to close their businesses to attend the commemorations. Part of the business community was threatened with withdrawala of business operating licences if they failed to attend the commemorations. This was reported to be a directive from the top hierarchy of Zanu PF. Some of the people who attended the commemorations were given chicken and chips boxes some of which was allegedly stale resulting in others having running stomachs. People at Murenga village ward 24 were forced to contribute a dollar per household towards the commemorations. In Guruve North at Mukuya and Mucheri village ward 19, Zanu PF Chairperson for Tafara branch Raymond Kondo reportedly made villagers to contribute in cash and in kind towards the commemorations. In his speech President Mnangagwa declared war on NGOs calling them “rogue” and “surrogate entities” before accusing them of causing division and disharmony among the people, a false allegation which has been part of Zanu PF propaganda for years. The blame game by Zanu PF and government came at a critical time when some high-profile individuals linked to Zanu PF were exposed for looting Zimbabwe’s natural resources following a documentary produced by Al Jazeera exposing Harare The CCC nomination exercise held in Harare to select candidates contesting in the 2023 general elections was marred by violence and other electoral malpractices. There were reports of violence in Glenorah where former Harare Mayor Herbet Gomba’s supporters reportedly 17 THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023

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