argument is that if these were genuine elections, then they should have been conducted well before the People’s Congress in December 2014. The MDC-T party on the other hand has had its own challenges contributing to the political environment in the province. The party is divided along factions aligned to Nelson Chamisa and Douglas Mwonzora, with Amos Chibaya backing Chamisa while Sesil Zvidzai is on Mwonzora’s side. The Chamisa/Mwonzora groups have insinuated sharp divisions in the MDC-T run councils. This has prompted the MDC-T President Mr Morgan Tsvangirai to intervene with plans to meet with Midlands councillors. The MDC-T break-away group known as the Renewal Team has some notable presence with recognized individuals such as Roderick Rudzvara the former MP for Gweru Urban. Rudzvara is now the Provincial Chair for Midlands in the Renewal Team. Canaan Dzingiso and Clemency Kwaru are in the secretariat. It appears that most of those who lost or did not make it at the MDC-T Congress in October 2014 joined the Renewal Team.  30 January 2015 - A Zanu PF activist Malvern Mhondiwa threatened and verbally assaulted an MDC-T activist at Mabodza Business Centre in Chiundura. Malvern heard the victim discuss factionalism within Zanu PF and that infuriated him and in response threatened the victim with a beating. He accused the victim of being a well known sell-out in the area and threatened him to watch out for his life come 2018 as Zanu PF will leave no stone unturned in an effort to win the elections. Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault 26 7 1 The events that occurred before and after the Zanu PF congress of December 2014 continue to shape the political landscape in Mashonaland Central province. A parliamentary seat fell vacant in Mt Darwin West when the former VP Joice Mujuru was relinquished of her duties. When Zanu PF primary elections were held those perceived to be aligned to the Joice Mujuru faction were barred from contesting. Alienation and discrimination in the distribution of resources was used as a weapon to punish those who were perceived to belong to the wrong political divide. Members of the opposition party continue to experience discrimination at the hands of Zanu PF supporters.  1 January 2015 - Zanu PF ward 8 Councillor in Bindura North was grabbed by the collar by Mrs Bvunzawabaya who is the chairperson for Zanu PF in Bindura North. The victim was accused of being unfaithful to the party because of his allegiance to the local MP Kenneth Musanhi who was dismissed from the Central Committee in November 2014 for being aligned to the former VP Joice Mujuru. Mrs Bvunzawabaya demanded that the victim quit his position in Bindura North 34 Mash Central Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Right to personal integrity and human dignity 9

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