INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED Discrimination Harassment/intimidation Unlawful Detention Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal liberty MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS PROVINCE # OF ACTS ACTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Harassment and discrimination continue to top the list of the recorded incidents in Manicaland province. The drive to flush out Zanu PF members perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction has been the catalytic factor. As indicated in the previous report this phenomenon has cascaded to the lower party level structures such as the branch and the cell. Currently, Zanu PF is restructuring at various party levels with an agenda to cleanse the party from those perceived to belong to the wrong faction. On the other hand the opposition party particularly the MDC-T has had its fair share of problems especially of party members who defect to join the break-away group known as the Renewal Team. High political intolerance has been another trigger of conflicts in the province.  5 January 2015 - Four youths belonging to the MDC-T party were denied access to government sponsored loans which were disbursed by the Ministry of Youth Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment under the Youth Development and Employment Creation Fund. The incident took place at Chiwetu village Makoni West and the perpetrator was Ben Matando who is the Youth Officer for the area.  14 January 2015 - Three Zanu PF members perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction were denied access to and participation in a branch party meeting held near Machikichori Beer Hall in Chikanga. As the victims approached the venue of the meeting four party members led by Jethro Pikirayi began shouting at them accusing them of being sell outs and barred them from entering the meeting venue. 7 Midlands Manicaland Total 3 3 1 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Malicious Damage to Property Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights 31 4 3 1 The tide of the Zanu PF intra-party fights has significantly gone down but its effects are still being felt especially by those who suffered as victims. Zanu PF has begun restructuring its party organs beginning at cell level. This will culminate in the formation of new look provincial committees that probably would have members aligned to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa. There is apprehension in the province as people fear that the exercise may turn out to be more of a witch hunt than genuine elections. The 39 8

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