bags had been allocated to Mashuma village but only one hundred and one 101 were distributed. Councillor Runi was also accused of charging beneficiaries for inputs who were supposed to get them for free. It has been noted that women were often discriminated against during the distribution of inputs. In Hurungwe North two men were openly denied fertilizer by a group led by Stephan Mangwaira of the Zanu PF who is the area Chairperson because they were involved in organising an MDC-T meeting on 3 January 2015.The fertilizer was from Vuti Grain Marketing Board (GMB) and the Zanu PF Chairperson was in charge of the distribution. The two victims did not report the case anywhere. A1 and A2 farmers in Mutorashanga are losing farm implements and land to more powerful individuals in the Zanu PF party who bring in offer letters to claim the land already allocated to other people. A couple in Kashwao farming area lost part of their land to a police officer Constable Bhunu popularly known as Karanga based in Mutorashanga. He brought an offer letter from Chinhoyi which shows that he owns plot 10 which is owned by the couple. The case was reported to the Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement in Harare and nothing has been done to date. Mashonaland Central In January a case of discrimination on the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) was recorded. Village head Leonard Madamombe in Nekati village in Bindura South was tasked to list down the names of children who were to be assisted through BEAM. The village head gave preference to children whose parents were members of Zanu PF and those whose parents were MDC-T supporters were told that they would be contacted later. It is alleged that some of the children of Zanu PF members listed could not be classified as vulnerable. In Hambe village in Mbire ward 7 Zanu PF officials took over the inputs distribution program and allegedly stole fertilizer which was now being sold at $15 by Councillor Barbra Chiponda. Villagers were only given maize seed. On 8 January 2015 Abraham Mhembere of Muonwe village ward 17 in Bindura South denied MDC-T supporters access to fertilizer distributed under the Presidential Input Scheme. This incident took place at Muonwe Township. On 27 January 2015 police officers and Zanu PF leaders who were distributing agricultural inputs in Chiweshe, ward 10 denied perceived MDC-T supporters access to the inputs. The distribution of inputs was supposed to be done by Agritex officers and officials from the District Administration Office but Zanu PF leaders took over that responsibility. Tapana Diamond of Zanu PF denied one woman perceived to be an MDC-T supporter seed and fertilizer and indicated that the only way she could benefit was by agreeing to be his girlfriend. The victim refused to receive the inputs under such conditions so she went away empty-handed. Thevictim is a widow. This incident happened in Mutova village in Muzarabani. Mashonaland East The village head for Chapendama village, Dhirihori ward 19 in Marondera East was demoted from his position by former Chief Svosve Lovemore Zenda and Councillor Norbert Hwenjere for being a suspected MDC-T affiliate. On 3 January he was denied government inputs under the Presidential Input Scheme. Councillor Hwenjere indicated that the inputs were from a Zanu PF President therefore members of the opposition party were not going to benefit from the scheme. There were one hundred and forty (140) people who benefitted from the distribution of 50 kg bags of compound D fertilizer. On 15 January 2015 two suspected MDC-T supporters were denied seed by village head Patrick Ganye at Sengwe business Centre in ward 27, Ganye village in Chikomba East. The village head went on to collect seed for Sipiwe Vhombo and Cephas Gekeke in absentia. He left the 10 kg packs at Gunyo’s store. The two victims who had been denied seed then lied to Gunyo that they had been 6

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