Bulawayo Total Harassment/Intimidation Assault Unlawful Detention Theft/looting members aligned to the Mujuru faction as it has been the case in past few months, the victims are now members of the opposition party especially MDC-T. In another dimension, traditional leaders in Binga were allegedly coercing their subjects to support Zanu PF and desist from sympathizing with opposition parties. Those who continue to be disloyal were threatened with censorship.  3 January 2015 - In Binga North constituency Chief Saba who is a well known Zanu PF supporter summoned his subjects for a meeting at his homestead. At the meeting he declared that all his subjects had to support Zanu PF and buy the party cards. One man attending the meeting stood up and spoke contrary to the chief by declaring that everyone should choose a party of his or her own choice and not be forced. The statement infuriated the Chief and he retaliated by threatening the victim with unspecified action and ordered his aides to detain him outside the meeting place until after the meeting.  13 January 2015 - In Binga North, Manjolo ward at Damba Business Centre a man was verbally insulted and threatened with severe beating and arrest by Zanu PF ward Chairperson Fidelis Mudimba and six ward youth officers. The victim was accused of blaming Zanu PF leadership for failing to pay civil servants. The perpetrators further insulted the victim by calling him a sell-out and imperialist puppet.  23 January 2015 - Stephen Dube, a Zanu PF official registering people as recipients of fertiliser under the Presidential Input Scheme refused to register, a well known MDC-T member saying that the fertiliser and seed scheme was for Zanu PF members only. This incident took place at Dongadilika Bottle Store in Bubi, ward 7, village 6. The province reported relative calmness with a few incidents of harassment and assault emanating from political intolerance.  8 January 2015 - In Bulawayo East at Mahatshula shops Knowledge Makura of MDC-T verbally insulted and threatened to beat up a supporter of MDC party led 3 Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal liberty Property rights 3 1 1 1 14

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