Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 3 Mat Nort h Mat South Total suspected ally of former VP Joice Mujuru. The province has recorded cases of political bullying and harassment of opposition party members mainly by Zanu PF politicians. Factional fights within Zanu PF are still going on with some party members being labelled “gamatox” a derogatory term that refers to one faction which is at the centre of the purges in Zanu PF. The drive to purge the province of unwanted ‘elements’ in the party has been the main cause of conflicts within Zanu PF party.  15 January 2015 - Zanu PF ward Chairperson Agnes Siziba and her son Mecious Siziba denied two suspected MDC-T members access to maize seed claiming that the Presidential Inputs were meant for Zanu PF members and war collaborators only.  22 January 2015 - In Gwanda North in ward 6 at Khozi Village Japhet Ndlovu of Zanu PF allegedly threatened to evict perceived MDC- T members from the area because he claimed Khozi village was Zanu PF territory.  29 January Zanu PF village head Mr. Aaron Mpofu of Wabayi Village ward 6 in Gwanda accused an MDC-T supporter of fanning divisions in the community and threatened to evict him from the village. It has been noted that cases of discrimination in the distribution of fertilizers, food and farming inputs have taken a new twist; instead of being perpetrated against Zanu PF 2 1 Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 2 1 13

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