Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/looting Discrimination Displacement Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 31 Masvingo Mash West Total 21 4 3 2 1 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 4 Harassment/Intimidation Displacement Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to personal integrity and human dignity 2 1 1 Total 8 11 Nyamanzi and six other Zanu PF supporters forcibly removed the victim from his office and it is alleged that Nyamanzi is eyeing the post that the victim holds. High levels of political intolerance continue to be expressed through incidents of harassment and discrimination. The effects of the intra-party conflicts are still simmering in the province; those who are sympathetic to the ousted provincial Chairperson Temba Mliswa are disgruntled and those who support the move are on the war-path to purge the province of unwanted elements in the party.  13 January 2015 - Pastors Andrew Rufai, Gwarada, and Gift Konjana of Church of Christ were summoned to Chegutu Police Station where they were accused of being involved in MDC-T activities because they had been seen in the company of seven (7) Canadians. The visitors had visited the Church of Christ and were taken to Ameva area in Chegutu to view a church farming project. During the interrogation the police tried to force the three to admit that they were doing MDC-T activities. Eventually Pastors Konjana and Gwarada were released and Pastor Rufayi remained for sometime as the police insisted he remain because he was host to the white visitors in question. He was later released after a few hours of detention.  30 January 2015 - Zanu PF members sympathetic to Temba Mliswa the former Zanu PF provincial Chairperson held a demonstration in Chinhoyi. Some demonstrators came from as far as Karoi. The demonstration was in response to Mliswa’s arrest on allegations of being in possession of guns stolen from the white farmer whose farm he had taken over. His supporters were of the opinion that Mliswa was being persecuted for his allegiance to former VP Joice Mujuru. The supporters argued that authorities knew that he had the guns since 2002. The province continued to experience general calmness. There was a marked decrease in physical violence both at inter and intra party level. However reports of harassment and discrimination in accessing food and farm inputs based on one’s political affiliation continues to rear an ugly head. The reflections of the environmental scan indicate that the relative peace being witnessed could be attributed to the busy farming season and the fact that there were not as manypolitical gatherings that were taking place. Political meetings held by Zanu PF were used as a platform to consolidate the outcomes of the People’s Congress held early December 2014.  21 January 2015 - Zanu PF councillor for ward 18 Chivi Central Wilson Runopanwa denied an MDC-T supporter access to agricultural inputs under

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