In the month of September, there was a marked increase in prices as a family of six now needs over ZWL40,000 (USD150.00 at street value and USD460 at the official exchange rate) a month to survive, according to ZIMSTAT. This marked a 4.8 percent increase from August’s ZWL37,000 (USD217 at street value and USD425 at official exchange rate). In February, the bread basket was at about ZWL25,000 The increases do not match what the majority of workers are earning as their monthly salaries are below ZWL20 000 (USD287 at official exchange rate) The latest research conducted by the International Labour Organisations (ILO) shows some workers in the informal sector are earning less than ZWL1 000 (USD5.80 at street value or USD11 at official rate) with the majority of jobs in the sector being described as “survivalist”. The latest rise in the cost of living happened as the value of the Zimbabwe dollar on the parallel exchange market depreciated, pushing more retailers to increase their Zimbabwe dollar prices. Even those retailers that still stick to the official exchange rate increased their Zimbabwe dollar prices. This situation seriously affected the majority of workers who earn their salaries in Zimbabwe dollars. The social inequalities have widened. Just a snapshot into the changes of prices, even by government agencies, prove that government continues to remain in denial about the fact that the controlled exchange rate is not working. Cooking oil prices have increased by over 50 percent to about ZWL500.00 from about ZWL 320.00 for a two-litre bottle. This means that at the official exchange rate of about 1USD:ZWL87, cooking oil will now cost about USD5.70, up from USD3.60. This goes for many other basic commodities, including Orange crush, Sugar and Washing powder. In the last week of September, telecommunications companies increased their tariffs and in the education sector, schools continued to review their school fees upwards. As if they have not been racked with pain enough from striving to make ends meet from the already moribund economy, the government Statutory Instrument 127 of 2021 which seeks to rein in businesses that benefit from the foreign exchange auction system to use the rate pegged by RBZ when charging using the US dollar. This initiative has ignited a rise in inflation as most businesses will be forced to charge very high prices considering the high street market rate for US dollar. Commodity/Prices (ZWL) Sakt 1kg Mazoe 2l Sugar 2kg Mealie-meal 10kg Cooking oil 0 100 200 Months 2021 300 400 SEPTEMBER Official Rate: 1USD: ZWL87 Street Rate: 1 USD:ZWL170 500 AUGUST 600 700 800

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