Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Mashonaland West December was relatively peaceful in Mashonaland West, recording very few human rights abuses. The few reported were on partisan food distribution, intimidation, harassment and artisanal miners who robbed citizens. Individuals aligned with the ruling party were the perpetrators of most of the violations. In most cases, they denied CCC members farming inputs. On 16 December at Gatsi Shopping Centre Ward 12 in Chegutu West, residents were forced to convene by Zanu PF DCC officials. The Zanu PF youth chairperson, identified as Godfrey “Gode”, denied opposition party supporters farming inputs. Reports indicate that, before the distribution, residents were forced to chant Zanu PF slogans and sing revolutionary songs. On 7 December in Zvimba West at Kawondera Primary school, ward 9, a Zanu PF-aligned village head identified as Sabhuku Kanzou denied a CCC supporter farming inputs. Reports indicate that cases of partisan aid distribution perpetrated by village heads have become rampant. Matabeleland North On 17 December, during the food aid registration exercise, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist identified as Wilbeng Munkuli intimidated community members. It is said that Munkuli threatened not to register beneficiaries aligned with opposition parties. Verified facts indicate that Munkuli prioritised registering those appearing in the Zanu PF cell group records. Others were told to appear in the cell group records to benefit from the social services scheme. In ward 2, it was reported that the village head, Teresa Nyathi, was forcing villagers to attend a Zanu PF Christmas party at the koMkhulu area adjacent to Imbizo Barracks. It is said that Nyathi was forcing citizens to attend the party. Allegedly, Nyathi warned them to attend or else they risked being beaten up by soldiers at the nearby barrack. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 21

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