Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Midlands Political violence involving Zanu PF and the CCC continued to be recorded in the province. Three suspected CCC members were allegedly assaulted by unidentified but suspected Zanu PF youths at Mabodza Business Centre in Chiwundura, ward 5, on 16 December 2022. After winning a by-election in Gweru Senga suburb ward 5, the Zanu PF party expanded its ‘aggressive’ mobilization in Chiwundura to reclaim the parliamentary seat. Cases of partisan distribution of aid were rampant in the Midlands province. These were done along political lines where the ruling Zanu PF took charge of the distributions and sidelined known and suspected opposition CCC members in the processes. A case in point, on 4 December 2022, in Silobela, it was reported that villagers not found in the Zanu PF cell registers were denied maize seed at the distribution of farming inputs in ward 24, Mabulawa area. Masvingo The intimidation and victimisation of villagers for their lack of interest in being part of the Zanu PF cell structures was a worrying record. On 4 December, in Bikita East wards 16 and 17 at a Shambanevhu gathering, legislator Johnson Madhuku, indicated that those not found on the lists of Zanu PF supporters were never going to get any food and other aid in the future. Zanu PF party is using this strategy ahead of the 2023 elections in Gutu district. In Gutu North, ward 8, at Goma Primary, the head and the SDC chairperson were allegedly victimised by the Zanu PF legislator Yeukai Simbanegavi. She accused the two of looking for donors to assist the school, which was viewed as undermining her authority as the MP. The legislator ordered that the teachers at the school be excluded from getting any farm inputs in the area. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 19

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