Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Freedom of Assembly and Association ZPP recorded 3 cases which violated the right to freedom assemble and association. Villagers in different communities, including Chegutu West, Hurungwe East and Umguza, were coerced to join political party meetings against their will. On 22 December at Heany Junction, Umguza ward 2, the village head, Teresa Nyathi, went around forcing villagers to attend a Zanu PF Christmas party at koMkhula area adjacent to Imbizo Barracks warning them they would risk being beaten up by soldiers at the nearby barrack if they did not attend. On 23 December, Magunje Ward 10 Hurungwe East Zanu PF officials forced villagers to go and register to vote during a village development meeting. The freedom of association is guaranteed under Articles 12(3), 27(2) and 28 of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. Every Zimbabwean has the freedom to assemble and associate with others under Section 58 of the Constitution. Still, no Zimbabwean should be forced to assemble and associate with others, to be a member of an association, or to attend a meeting or gathering. Political Rights ZPP documented 12 cases which violated citizens' political rights. These violations transpired in different areas, including Mutoko South, Muzarabani North and Chegutu East. On 30 December, Chief Banabus Ngezi at Peak-stone Farnham Clinic ward 13 in Chegutu East convened a meeting and assigned village heads to stop CCC activities and meetings in their areas. On 26 December in Bulilima West Constituency, Plumtree town, Simiso Ndimande of Mthwakazi Republic Party went around town in the company of six party members canvassing to be voted for in the 2023 elections. While campaigning, Ndimande made remarks that citizens should not vote for candidates with non-Ndebele surnames. Section 67 of the Zimbabwean Constitution states that every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, join and participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice, to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 14

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