Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 4.4 Elite Cohesion On 11 December, Ministry of Energy and Power Development Permanent Secretary Gloria Magombo stated that top government officials would be getting home solar energy systems in a project managed by the Public Service Commission (PSC). The government is installing solar panels at the homes of at least 100 top government officials, including service chiefs, cabinet ministers, senior government officials, commissioners, and army generals, so they will not endure the effects of the rolling power cuts. Zimbabwe is currently facing a power crisis that escalated at the end of November 2022 when the Zambezi River Authority ordered Zimbabwe's Kariba South power station to shut down due to dangerously low water levels. Most parts of the country get power at night as the local power utility, the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), is trying to manage a power crisis. In an interview, Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa said Mugabe's mismanagement of the country was to blame for the current energy crisis. He said the power crisis that the nation is currently facing is a product of years of neglect and mismanagement by Mugabe and the G40s. Mutsvangwa served in the party and government under Mugabe's nearly 40-year rule. ZPP recommends the following interventions: 4.4.1 The government should not misuse taxpayers' money to fund the lifestyles of politicians and government officials. The issue of electricity affects everyone, and all citizens are equal according to the supreme law of the land; thus, senior public servants should bear the same challenges every other citizen faces. 4.4.2 The government should invest in rehabilitating powergenerating projects, including restoring Hwange Thermal Power Station. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 8

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