Midlands 4 March Right to food In Ndunduzo Village, there was unfair distribution of Social Welfare food aid meant to benefit the aged. The registration was said to have been done way prior to this distribution date. To the surprise of many beneficiaries, on the day of the distribution, the list was dominated by many known Zanu PF members in the constituency. The Zanu PF ward chairperson who was present at this distribution process is allegedly to have said the list dominated by Zanu PF members was the correct one since it is the ruling party and such initiatives are meant for Zanu PF members. Thus many persons of old age went back empty handed. 16 March Right to Food Villagers gathered at Makepesi village anticipating receiving food aid in form of rice. This rice was expected to benefit every villager. It was reported that minutes before the distribution was done, a former Zanu PF ward councillor shocked the gathering by declaring that anyone without a Zanu PF membership card was not going to get the rice. He went on to say that even if some thought the food was not sourced by Zanu PF, but the fact that Zanu PF is the ruling party so every organization in the country is given permission by the Zanu PF party to carry out these distributions. Villagers were then allegedly encouraged to join Zanu PF and acquire Zanu PF membership cards if they want benefit from these food initiatives. 25 March Right to Food All the households of Mberengwa East’s ward B2 were invited to a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to receive some food handouts in form of 1kg rice and 5kg maize which were said to have been donated by the Mberengwa East legislator Hon Makhosini Hlongwane. The meeting was chaired by the ward 2 councillor Tofirei Allen Mhaka on behalf of the Member 30

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