HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION Unlawfully subjecting one to pressure, insult of threat with intent to cause him/her to suffer anxiety discomfort and/or the feeling of insecurity. MOVEMENT VIOLATIONS KIDNAPPING/UNLAWFUL DETENTION Is whereby a person deprives another person of his freedom of bodily movement without lawful justification and/or authority (based on section 93 of the Criminal code Act) A) ABDUCTION B) UNLAWFUL ARREST The taking away of a person using intimidation, open force of violence Is the arrest of a person by another person (usually a police officer), whereby the latter’s position generally authorizes him/her to arrest the other person, but not in this particular case. Essentially, C) UNLAWFUL DETENTION it is a form of abuse of power on the part of the police officer Depriving a person of his or her freedom of bodily movement without lawful justification and/or D) FORCED DISPLACEMENT authority. Internal displacement of persons or groups of persons “…who have been forced or obliged to flee or leave their homes or places or habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects or armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human made disasters, and who have not crossed an internally recognized border” 34

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