Association opposition members homestead. Chidhakwa is allegedly to have declared that there is only one party which is Zanu PF in Chiwundura and advised those who do not want to be Zanu PF to leave the constituency and look for some other place where opposition members are accommodated. 26 March Freedom of Following the announcement of an MDC-T rally in Gokwe Gumunyu, serious intimidation tactics by Zanu PF Assembly councillors have been reported. This rally announcement was reported to have reached the Zanu PF Gokwe District office which acted swiftly to negatively counter this rally. Zanu PF Chairperson for Gokwe Chireya Ward 12 Joe Madzana allegedly went to all village heads telling them to advise their people that no one should attend this rally. It was reported that on the date of the rally, meetings in these village heads’ homesteads would be convened for purposes of coming up with cells as well as noting those who will be absent from these village meetings as the ones who would have attended the MDC-T rally. A committee has since been setup to also help in listing those who will attend the rally and the action which will follow them was not specified. 26 March 26 March Right to At Edward farm in Shurugwi South, Mr Moyo who had been staying at Edward farm for quite some time was equality victimised and threatened with expulsion from the farm for being an MDC-T supporter. He had been living at this farm Freedom peacefully and the owner had not known that he is an opposition supporter. The expulsion threat came after the Zanu from PF ward chairperson who is said to be living nearby the farm noticed that this opposition member is living at Edward arbitrary farm. The chairperson then sent two committee members to tell the owner of the farm to expel Moyo from the farm. eviction These two were Farai Joni and Zivai Goredema. Moyo was told to go and be given a place to stay by his MDC-T party. Freedom of In Chireya, ward 11, Gokwe Village head Moses Matavire, is alleged to have threatened the people in his area on association political grounds. He is reported to have said, in the coming 2018 elections, all those who will vote for opposition 23

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