MDC-T was given 2 mosquito nets instead of 6 after being told that he was lucky to have received the two nets as he did not deserve them because of his affiliation. It is reported that the MDC-T Councillor Cowen Muchemwa of ward 14 had his maize allocation taken by village head David Kaunye who was distributing the maize. Food distribution was done at Karanda Business Centre and was led by the Social Welfare officers and village head Kaunye. Muchemwa was said to be away when the distribution took place and the village head had taken his portion promising to give him upon his return. However, upon Muchemwa’s return Kaunye claimed to have no knowledge of the maize. This happened on 14 June in Mt Darwin East. In Mazowe South on 14 June, David Musarira* a man living with disabilities who resides at Eastville in Glendale was informed by Charles Kasere of Highway in Glendale that he was not going to get maize. Kasere is the ward 33 councillor for Zanu PF who is known for converting government food relief meant for vulnerable groups into food for work programme where he only selects Zanu PF supporters to participate. Kasere fully knowing that the victim was not able to work and was also a member of the MDC-T told him that he was not part of the food for work programme because of his affiliation. An international organisation is reported to have distributed maize in Gunguwo village in Mazowe Central on 16 June. It is reported that Willard Makono, the Zanu PF chairperson was telling Christian Care officers who to give and not to give the maize. It is reported that only Zanu PF supporters benefitted from the distribution. At the end of the distribution all known ZimPF and MDC-T supporters were given 50kg bags to share between 3 people whereas Zanu PF supporters received 50kg each. It is reported that on 17 June in ward 12 Muonwe Township in Bindura South people were given maize from Social Welfare and Nyasha Makoni* of Zanu PF made a mistake and included Ansilliah Moyo’s* name on the list of people who were doing food for work. Ansilliah is an MDC-T supporter who according to Abraham Mhembere, the Zanu PF ward chairperson was not supposed to benefit. Mhembere is said to have heard about it and told Makoni to stop working as the party secretary as he was accused of being an MDC-T supporter. Makoni was summoned to the village court where he was told to compensate for his wrong doing by giving a chicken to the village head. The village head was identified as Masembura. Mashonaland East In Mudzi North on 10 June 2016, Norest Taka* was denied maize from social welfare by councillor for ward 17 Kufakwemba. Taka was told that her relatives were Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) observers in 2013 so they were opposition supporters and she was told to get food from food ZESN. The incident happened at Nyamiyaruka Business Centre. In ward 30 Murehwa North on 10 June at Zihute hall there was a meeting called by council chairperson Shepherd Femai together with the Zanu PF youth officer Innocent Mhutewebani. 30

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