no longer wanted to see him in the area since he led the MDC -T party in the area and has great influence.  In Chikomba Central, Mr Bhasera the Education Inspector at the Education District Office sent a message on a whatsapp platform reminding all teachers to pay $2 contribution for the Heroes Day commemorations. Bhasera sent the message on behalf of the District Education Officer N. S. Mujuru. The contributions were to be sent before the closing of schools on 4 August 2016. The incident happened on July 20.  On 22 July, it is reported that Zanu PF youths were toyi-toying from Marondera town to Dombotombo. It is reported that Zimbabwe People First was going to have a rally on 23 July which was to be addressed by Joice Mujuru the party President. The youths were intimidating people not to attend the rally.  A man identified as Garikai Nyatondo of Zanu PF was arrested by police after he had assaulted Tinashe Muvirimi* at his house which is close to Rudhaka Stadium in Marondera Central. Muvirimi is an MDC-T supporter and was accused of allowing people to put up posters of Zimbabwe People First at the stadium. Muvirimi reported the case to the police at Dombotombo Police Station and Nyatondo was arrested. However, Cleopas Kundiona who is the aspiring Zanu PF Member of Parliament paid $10 fine and Nyatondo was released. Zanu PF youths toyi-toyed on this day until they were dismissed by the police who told them to allow ZimPF to hold their rally. The youths wanted to intimidate ZimPF supporters from exercising their freedom of assembly. This happened on July 23.  In Mutoko South, a Zanu PF supporter only known as Hodzi is reported to have threatened people who had gone to Marondera for the ZimPF rally saying he was going to unleash violence on them. Hodzi is said to have claimed that he had noted down the names of all the people who had gone to the rally. It is alleged this happened on 23 July.  On 25 July, Charles Mutadza of Zanu PF is said to have forced vendors at Dombotombo flea market to pay $1. Mutadza is said to have told the vendors that the flea market was First Lady Grace Mugabe’s initiative and so they were to pay to ensure they continue doing business. It is reported that some of the people refused to pay while others paid. Those who paid were told that 24

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