teargas and 14 people were arrested. A growing crowd demanded the release of those arrested and they were dispersed by riot police using tear gas.  On 20 July, Zanu PF youths staged a march to their party headquarters in support of President Robert Mugabe and denouncing stayaways. The youths and ‘war veterans’ were ferried from different parts of the country to join the march and, in return, were promised residential stands by the ruling party.  Victor Kagamba, the Zanu PF Takawira district chairperson, forced people who were recently allocated stands to join a march by Zanu PF youths on 20 July 2016 in Epworth ward 5 near the quarry dam. Residents had their names written down as they were threatened with reposession of stands parceled out by Zanu PF if they did not attend the march. Commuter buses were hired to ferry people to town. Some of the people, like Ignatious Chitsike*, who went to the march had been promised to get a stand.  On 23 July Zanu PF youths were reportedly beaten by MDC-T youths at Chigovanyika shops in St Mary’s at around 5pm. The youths were retaliating after Zanu PF youths attacked an MDC-T supporter identified as Tafi*. It is reported that Tafi had defected to MDC-T from Zanu PF and on this day there was an MDC-T gathering and Tafi went to Chigovanyika shops wearing MDCT regalia. This reportedly angered Zanu PF youths who started beating Tafi. It is said messages were sent to the rest of the MDC-T youths by Jairos* and Mudzingwa* and within minutes the youths arrived and attacked Zanu PF youths. A Zanu PF chairperson identified as Maposa* was one of the people who were assaulted but managed to escape while Charles Rodwell* was heavily assaulted together with other youths. Shops were closed and vendors had to leave their wares following the fracas. Ronny Konjera*, Timothy Mugadza* and Wellington Nyoni*, who are MDC-T youths were arrested and released upon payment of USD50 bail. Manicaland Police brutality, denial of freedom to demonstrate, discrimination and denial of food aid were the major highlights for the month.  The Headmaster of Muzokomba Primary School (Buhera South) Mr Mashonganyika* and his staff were verbally threatened with unspecified action by Chipo Chin’ono (Zanu PF) on July 4th after hosting some white 18

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