people in Budiriro did not go to work also in protest against the government’s policies. Most roads were barricaded with no public transport to ferry people to work. The police threw teargas at people and this angered residents who had complained of the continued harassment by the police force. There were many incidents of brutality by the police on citizens most of which were captured and posted on social media. It is during this July 6 stayaway that Linda Masarira an Occupy Africa Unity Square activist was arrested in Mufakose. She has been in custody since then.  On 12 July Pastor Evan Mawarire of #ThisFlag campaign was arrested by the police on allegations of inciting violence and disturbing peace when he presented himself to the police in the company of his lawyer after the police had indicated they were keen to interview him. Afterwards he was taken handcuffed to his house and his church where police officers combed the places for a police helmet and a baton stick. He spent the night in police detention before he was brought to court on the same day of the stay away of July 13. While in court the charge he faced was altered to that of subversion. Mawarire led a campaign against corruption and the worsening economic crisis. Thousands of citizens thronged the magistrates court where his trial was held in solidarity. Since the accused person had his charge altered in court the magistrate refused to allow and therefore Mawarire was released without bail.  Another stay away was called for the 13 th and 14th of July by #ThisFlag movement. Roads were barricaded with burning tyres on the morning of 13 July 2016 along Robert Mugabe Road in Dzivaresekwa 2 at Mujacaranda bus stop. The same was reported in Dzivaresekwa 4 turnoff around 6am. The Zimbabwe National Army put off the fire and removed the tyres. However, their presence instilled fear in the residents.  On 14 July at Chisipite Primary School 10 students showed up while at St John’s students did not show up. Some teachers are said to have reported for duty. It is noted that St John’s students did not attend school. In Hatcliffe people were indoors and there were no vehicles in sight.  On 15 July vendors led by National Vendors Union of Zimbabwe chairperson, Sten Zvorwadza staged a demonstration at the Town House against alleged corruption by Municipal police. Riot police had to break up the gathering using 17

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