 On 6 July Danford Muleya* of Sotshangane Flats was bruised on the face and had his spectacles destroyed after being assaulted by the police at Bazaya Shopping Centre. Councilor James Sithole of Makokoba was also assaulted by the police.  Shops in Makokoba and Mzilikazi were looted and property destroyed by protesters.  On 7 July police in retaliation to protests of 6 July started arresting people all over Bulawayo whether on the streets, shopping areas, homes or taxis. Over eighty people were arrested and beaten up in the process, including four children who were arrested.  There was intraparty violence within the Zanu PF backed war veterans association on 18 July in Entumbane/Emakhandeni when members supporting Treasurer Mr Khumalo fought with those aligned to the chairperson Mr Ncube. The incident occurred as the two groups accused each other of being sell-outs. The chaos was stopped by security agents.  At around 6:30pm on 6 July Shine Musimwa* was beaten up by police as he was walking near Luveve Stadium. He was accused of trying to mobilize people to continue with the stay away.  On 4 July Jonathan Ncube*, an MDC-T member was beaten up by Mkhululi Bhebhe of Zanu PF in Bulawayo Central after he praised and supported messages on social media of the pending stay aways.  The Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai in Bulawayo mobilised for the staging of a beat the pot protest as a way of showing government citizens had nothing to cook in their pots. Initially the protest 14

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