President Robert Mugabe. Members of the Johanne Masowe were also forced to attend the rally, vendors and those working in the home industry of Bindura were other victims.  In Mt Darwin East, Wallace Dzoro* was visited by an unknown person around 9pm accusing him of plotting to topple the government. Dzoro lives in ward 14 in Nyamuti village and was suspected of being a member of the Zimbabwe People First party. The victim denied the allegations and the perpetrator told him not to support opposition parties. The incident happened on 13 July.  In ward 33, in Mazowe South on 15 July, there was a door to door operation led by Stewart Musokota, branch chairperson for Zanu PF. The youths were forcing people to attend a Zanu PF meeting and Tendai Gumbo* of MDC-T was one of the people who were forced to attend the meeting. The meeting was on the same day at Rujeko Shopping Centre. Tendai* had no choice but to attend the meeting after being threatened with unspecified action if he did not attend.  In Mt Darwin South on 15 July, Laura Mapasure* aged 35 who lives in Matope was threatened by Tabeth Mhundwa aged 40. The two women were at a borehole when Mhundwa told Mapasure that she was not going to benefit from food from the Department of Social Welfare for defecting to ZimPF. Mhundwa is the branch chairperson for Zanu PF women’s league in Matope village. The victim’s right to freedom of association was violated as she was being forced to support Zanu PF in order to get food aid.  On 17 July Zanu PF violated the Mazowe North residents’ freedom of association and movement by force-marching them to a rally. Market stalls, flea markets and shops were ordered to close by the youths in order for everyone to join people who were bussed from farms in Mvurwi. Members of the Zanu PF politburo and central committee were present including Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere, Honourable Oppah Muchinguri, Chen Chimutengwende and Martin Dinha. At the rally Hon. Kasukuwere promised youths 600 residential stands he also ordered the reconstruction of a narrow bridge which is just after Mvurwi hospital along the Mvurwi -Harare road in the name of Zanu PF as he said the ruling party gave them a stand were they are building a nearly complete school.  In ward 12 Mt Darwin East there was a youth football league team which was led by a man identified as Joachim Soko*. The reason for forming a football 21

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