missionaries from America. It is reported that the missionaries had visited the school to offer financial assistance towards the construction of teachers’ accommodation. Chin’ono allegedly approached the Headmaster accusing him of bringing American spies camouflaged as church pastors. He further accused the school staff of being MDC-T party activists and promised tough action against them come 2018. The threats have the potential to deny the school staff the chance to freely associate with a political party and agencies of their choice.  Two school teachers, Christopher Jera* from Muzokomba High School and Munemo* from Muzokomba Primary School were on 22 July threatened with transfers after attending an MDC-T rally at Mushongwi Business Centre in Buhera South. It is reported that after the rally the Member of Parliament, Joseph Chinotimba, summoned Kambira* and Chirau* the headmasters of the schools, respectively, and ordered them to immediately transfer the teachers in clear violation of the teacher’s constitutional rights and freedoms of assembly. The teachers are reportedly living in fear due to the threats and suspicion that transfers could be effected anytime.  On 19 July at Ngandu Business Centre ward 15 Chimanimani East, Councillor Panganai Chirongera (Zanu PF) announced that he had been tasked by government to see that every household pay $1 towards the Heroes Day celebrations. Councillor Panganai, is alleged to have said those who do not heed the instruction will be noted down, thus violating chapter 4 section 67 of the Constitution in which people can make political choices freely. The villagers argued that making the contribution is a political choice and should be done without threats and coercion.  On the 20 July at a village meeting in Nyahondo ward 5 Chimanimani East, Chisiku Manase and Matsiyo (Zanu-PF) forced each household to pay $1 and 2kg of maize towards the Heroes Day celebrations. Sydney Mukamba* (MDCT) and others felt that the order violated their political right to freely participate without coercion.  The ceremony to install Chief Marange failed to take place on 16 July 2016 upon realizing Dzoma Marange the one to be installed is an MDC-T party sympathizer. It is reported that Christopher Mushowe (Member of Parliament) gave instructions for the cancellation of the function. The Member of Parliament did not elaborate why. Suspicion is that Dzoma is not the political 19

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