political views. 27 August Freedom to demonstrate and petition A Gwanda resident, Kukhanyakwenkosi Mkandla, took to the streets of Gwanda Town on a one-man demonstration with a banner written “Mugabe must go”. He was arrested and detained for several hours and released upon intervention of Lizwe Jamela of Zimbabwe Lawyers for human rights. 28 August Freedom of Association At Khozi Business Centre in ward 6, Misheck Ndlovu of ZimPF is alleged to have insulted and almost assaulted *Mbonisi Maduma of MDC-T. He was accusing Maduma of trying to kick ZimPF out of the area. Kraal Head Mehluli Ndlovu eventually restrained them. Midlands Malicious destruction to property, denial of socio economic rights as well as an infringement upon citizens’ political rights constituted the major highlights for August in the Midlands Province. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 7 August Freedom of Association In Mharamasaka village (ward 7) at Gokwe Chireya an MDC-T activist’s house was allagedly burnt by suspected Zanu PF members. There are claims that the activist had been warned the previous week by Oliver Manhenga (Zanu PF) to desist from mobilizing and campaigning for MDC-T. The incident was reported to the police who are yet to apprehend the culprits. 13 August Freedom of Association People were intimidated by heavy police presence in Mkoba and Gweru urban resulting in people staying indoors. On this day Tsvangirai and Mujuru had a joint rally in the city. Due to intimidation, people could not go about their daily business. Freedom of Movement 23

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