to hospital by an unknown woman at about 2:30am. 27 August Freedom of Association It is reported that members of the ZNA at around 3am attacked people at 4th Street market. It was said that the army harassed all vendors who sleep in the make shift shelters claiming that they are sympathising with the opposition while the economy was at its knees. *Charles Musona alleged that soldiers arrived and started harassing people. He managed to sneak out from his tent and hid near the railway. Other vendors who were unfortunate were seriously injured. 29 August Freedom of Association Zanu PF supporters accompanied by police officers from the Law and Order section took two MDC-T supporters at gunpoint. *Melody Jiri was taken on 29 August 2016 while *Rose Mugadza was taken on 30 August. The other MDC-T supporters managed to escape. The Zanu PF youths who assisted the police with identification of the people were once in the MDC-T but later defected to Zanu PF and could identify MDC-T supporters in their locality. The two were suspected to have been taken to Harare Central Police Station for questioning. Jiri was taken from her home at Pentagon and Mugadza was at Epworth Local Board premises. Freedom of Expression 31 August Freedom of Association It is alleged that Zanu PF held a meeting in Epworth where they discussed the issue of terror bases. It is said the bases will be in all wards and people will be disciplined at those bases like what happened in 2013. Terror bases are make shift and they can be put up and pulled down in no time and in the past they have been used to ‘punish’ those that hold dissenting views according to Zanu PF. 31 August Freedom of Association In St Mary’s a group of four MDC-T supporters including Simon Jingo and Jonathan Malindati harassed a Zanu PF supporter who was wearing a Zanu PF party t-shirt. The MDC-T youths ordered the Zanu PF youth to remove the t-shirt and blamed his party for causing hunger in the country. Prior to that, the youths were said to have also ordered another man who was on a bicycle to remove his Zanu PF cap. Freedom of Expression Manicaland There was chaos after the announcement of the Zanu PF primary election results in Chimanimani West with losers claiming the election had been rigged. Politicization of food aid and deprivation of civil and political rights were the most prominent abuses recorded in August. 15

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