26 August Freedom of Association *Chenai Danda was wearing an MDC-T t-shirt when he was approached by ten Zanu PF youths at Beverly Bottle Store in Msasa. He was assaulted and accused of taking part in demonstrations. Danda sustained injuries but refused to report the assault at the local police station for fear of victimisation. 26 August Freedom of the media A journalist James Jemwa was arrested on charges of incitement while covering a demonstration. He was detained for over a week and granted bail in September. The detention of a journalist arrested while on duty violated his right to cover events as a journalist and threatened security while at the same time citizens were denied access to information. Access to information 26 August Freedom of expression Access to information 27 August Right to personal security Rights of detained persons A grand coalition of 18 political parties, National Electoral Reform Agenda (NERA), held what was intended to be a peaceful protest in Harare. The protest turned violent when riot police attacked protesters with baton sticks, teargas and water canons despite that the High Court had issued a court order ordering the police to allow the protest. According to NERA, the coalition aims to heal the anger within the masses caused by President Mugabe’s misrule and brutality, identifying an overarching common cause that goes beyond mere grievances against the government and demanding electoral reforms. Police went on a rampage raiding bars and western suburbs following protest that had been held earlier on the day. Armed men raided MDC Harare Provincial chairperson, Kerina Dewa’s Glenview home. Dewa was seized from her home and her whereabouts were not known until the following day when she was found at Harare Central Police Station. Other Glenview residents were physically assaulted. She was detained for over 10 days and released on $100 bail. Freedom of expression and association 27 August Freedom of Expression At Parirenyatwa hospital six people were received after members of the army had beaten and accused them of demonstarting against the government. The injured comprised of two women and four men. They were ferried 14

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