by police. Chere sustained bruises during the tussle and the petition they intended to submit at the Public Service Commission was destroyed in the melee. In a related development, President Mnangagwa signed the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill (MOPO) into law, hardly making any significant change as the law is similar to its draconian predecessor the Public Order and Security Act (POSA). Already, the law has been used by the state to deny the opposition MDC convening a number of meetings during the course of the month. Furthermore, it was implemented in a barbaric manner on 20 November 2019 when police assaulted approximately 60 people who had gathered outside Morgan Tsvangirai House in Harare to listen to MDC President, Advocate Nelson Chamisa’s HOPE of the Nation Address. A reinforcement of 50-80 anti–riot police officers descended on party supporters with baton sticks and fired teargas canisters to disperse the crowd. Many people including passers-by, journalists and even a 10 month old child were assaulted and sustained serious physical injuries as they were caught up in the commotion. On 22 November 2019, five Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers were attacked in Harare Central Business District (CBD) by a gang of 16 assailants. According to the police the officers were beaten and injured by the gang. The gang also robbed a civilian of US $ 100.00 and ZWD 1900.00 after assaulting him. The tension is not only between the state and citizens, there is increasing conflict among political party supporters. In Hwange East on 13 November 2019 a group of eight Zanu PF activists threatened to beat up and destroy the home of an individual who had criticised the ‘New Dispensation.’ The victim, who is a known Mthwakazi activist, criticised the Mnangagwa administration during a budget meeting conducted by the Victoria Falls Municipality stating that ‘they lacked foresight and were clueless in turning around the fortunes of the country.’ This angered the Zanu PF activists who confronted the victim and threatened him in full view of the public. In Zengeza East ward 6 an MDC activist was assaulted by a gang of six unidentified Zanu PF male youths in the Nyatsime area. On 6 November 2019 the victim was attacked with iron bars on his way home and sustained serious 5

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