Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Mashonaland West Mashonaland West Province was a hostile area for opposition activism during the month of February. The targeting of opposition supporters continued unabated. Human rights abuses and political violence escalated to worrisome levels. A strong desire to perpetrate violence by the new and various Zanu PF affiliate groups grew in most rural Mashonaland West communities. On 27 February a violent clash between ZRP police and Zanu PF District Coordinating Committee (DCC) members was reported. The Zanu PF members wanted to demonstrate against the arrest of Mushika-shika operators and the conduct of the police towards vendors. To contain the demonstration, the police used a heavy hand and assaulted the Zanu PF demonstrators. Five DCC members sustained serious injuries. Zanu PF DCC members wanted to protect and safeguard their political interests in Kadoma urban by becoming the voice of the vendors and illegal Mushika Shika operators however, they became victims of police brutality. The constitution provides for the right to demonstrate and petition according to section 59 of the Constitution. Bulawayo The province witnessed a spate of human right violations between the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) and the ‘illegal’ vendors selling from undesignated sites. In the early hours of 23 February, the local authority through its Bulawayo Municipality Police embarked on a blitz to drive out an influx of undesignated vendors operating in the city. It is said that the blitz was met with resistance as the said illegal vendors retaliated and refusing to vacate the area. Bulawayo Municipal Police fired rubber bullets as defence which resulted in the injury of Prosper Munemo, and Concilia Dube. Thabani Nyoni sustained injuries in a stampede. Furthermore, Zanu PF took advantage of the situation through its Youth Leader Nehanda district, Josiah who later instructed vendors to return to their ‘illegal’ operation sites. This was only on condition that those that return to their illegal sites join Zanu PF and participate fully in any party activity. February 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 20

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