The trio who were moving around Rimuka ward 3 pulling down CCC posters were allegedly assaulted by CCC supporters led by Raphael Zuze. It is said that the ruling party youths were assaulted in ward 13. The incident happened on 30 July 2023. In Chegutu Central, Zanu PF youth Ngonidzashe Chakandika was assaulted for putting President Emmerson Mnangagwa ‘s campaign posters outside a fast-food outlet, Chicken lnn. The incident happened in Chegutu Central on 24 July. Chakandika allegedly defied instructions from Chicken Inn employees, who confronted him to pull down Mnangagwa’s campaign material on a pole adjacent the outlet. Following a tussle, Chikandira was assaulted by Chicken Inn staff. It is alleged that the Chicken Inn staff claimed that they were instructed by the Manager to remove any poster pasted close to their premises. The case was reported to Chegutu Central Police Station. ZHRC tells Chiefs to stay away from politics Traditional leaders have been reported as a major perpetrator of human rights violations as they continue to further the Zanu PF agenda. In many human rights reports they have been accused of intimidating, harassing and mobilising for the ruling party while violating the political rights of the citizens. It is against this backdrop that the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) emphasised the need for the traditional leaders to stop mingling in politics. Their continued partisan approach violates Section 281 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act of 2013 that clearly prohibits traditional leaders from being members of any political party, participating in any politics or from furthering any interests of any political party to that effect. According to the Constitution, traditional leaders should treat all persons within their areas equally and fairly. For this reason, ZPP noted a case where Chief Gambiza ordered all village heads to put on the ruling party regalia during the funeral proceedings of a community member. Gambiza, who had put on the ruling party’s regalia told all mourners that Zanu PF was the only winning party and everyone under his jurisdiction is mandated to vote for. Chief Saba of Binga North in ward 9 was reported to have told villagers that anyone seen campaigning for the opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change shall be beaten up and expelled from the village. Saba said this during the village head meeting and warned village heads that they need to mobilise for the party. Page 5

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