The trio who were moving around Rimuka ward 3 pulling down CCC posters were allegedly assaulted by CCC supporters led by Raphael Zuze. It is said that the ruling party youths were assaulted in ward 13. The incident happened on 30 July 2023. In Chegutu Central, Zanu PF youth Ngonidzashe Chakandika was assaulted for putting President Emmerson Mnangagwa ‘s campaign posters outside a fast-food outlet, Chicken lnn. The incident happened in Chegutu Central on 24 July. Chakandika allegedly defied instructions from Chicken Inn employees, who confronted him to pull down Mnangagwa’s campaign material on a pole adjacent the outlet. Following a tussle, Chikandira was assaulted by Chicken Inn staff. It is alleged that the Chicken Inn staff claimed that they were instructed by the Manager to remove any poster pasted close to their premises. The case was reported to Chegutu Central Police Station. Uebert Angel Appointed African Union's African Parliament Ambassador ©Reporter 263 Zimbabwe’s Ambassador At Large, Uebert Angel was appointed as the African Union’s Pan African Parliament Ambassador for Interfaith Dialogue and Humanitarian Affairs. His responsibilities include interacting with government representatives, civil society organisations, and religious leaders to promote interfaith dialogue and cooperation to foster peaceful cohesion. Al Jazeera's undercover investigation implicated him as the one who uses his diplomatic cover to transfer illicit funds into Zimbabwe and launder US$1.2 billion. The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission is an entity mandated to combat crime and corruption, according to Chapter 13 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013, and has the authority to order the Commissioner General of Police to look into cases of suspected corruption. The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission should investigate the allegations exposed by the Al Jazeera expose`. Page 6

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