March 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Administrator (DA) pending an investigation into their registration status. This suspension came following the rise of the gatekeeper syndrome in communities experienced since February. The DA was attempting to exercise power through the suspension of these two organisations. The suspension was however overturned by the High Court on 20 March which pronounced that the DA’s office had no authority to suspend or ban operations of NGOs. This was a victory for CSOs who have often faced attempts to suffocate their operations by the government. For example in 2004 government crafted an NGO Bill which endangered the existence of NGOs owing to its stringent requirements. The resolution by government to amend the Private Voluntary Organisation Act (Chapter 17:05) to make it comply with requirements of the Financial Action Task Force for combating money laundering and financing of terrorism could be attempts by the state to scrutinise funding sources of CSOs and determine who can and cannot fund NGOs’ work.  Demand for Independence Day commemorations contributions was prominent in March as the country prepares for 18 April which marks Zimbabwe’s 39th Birthday. Villagers were mandated to contribute in cash or donate food stuffs. In Mashonaland East province the requested amount ranged between $1 and $3RTGS. Government departments were not spared from these demands. ZPP is in possession of a letter sent out by the Murewa District Administrator requesting financial assistance from government departments. Contributions would be channelled towards the Independence Day commemorations to be held at Nhowe Mission Grounds on 18 April.  Evictions and displacements were reported in Kadoma at Hope farm on 13 March where 414 families were forcefully evicted. Victims claimed they possessed offer letters they received in 2001. The police who effected the evictions torched over 50 houses. On 23 March, settlers at Twinland, Deseree, and Rooney and Bummie farms in Chakari were evicted and close to 200 people were left homeless. The displaced persons have built makeshift shelters as they await to harvest their crop. It is inhuman for a government to offer someone land in the first place and subsequently evict them without providing alternative shelter or land.  Intra-party violence as the Movement for Democratic Change party prepares for its elective congress scheduled for May there have been violent scuffles at the ward and 4

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