March 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Khupe. This violence is an indication of the leadership crisis that the party has experienced since Tsvangirai’s death. If unresolved, the current spate of violence within the party can escalate and cause more harm as the dates of the elective congress draw nearer. This violence can also negatively impact the national dialogue as a violent environment is not conducive for such processes. The devastating effects of Cyclone Idai have left many of the affected families vulnerable to political abuse. For example, Zanu PF has been visiting the affected areas in party branded vehicles and wearing party regalia; further polarising communities. The suspension of COTRAD and ZACH by Masvingo DA is an indication of a crackdown on Civil Society Organisations after the January national stay away. This follows threats made by President Emmerson Mnanganwa in December 2018 to deregister NGOs and his utterances in February encouraging villagers to report any strangers to village heads; a move that was seen as targeting those who criticise government. These threats encouraged community gatekeepers to keep out perceived threats; CSOs being regarded as one of these. ZPP calls for the following:  Government must put in place concrete disaster preparedness measures in order to deal with disasters effectively.  Civil liberties and rights as enshrined in the Constitution, including the rights to assembly, protest and association, should be respected. If you are concerned about acts of violence in your community ZPP encourages you to get in touch on WhatsApp numbers: +263 774 883 406 and +263 774 883 417 and Toll free number 080 80199 12

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