March 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Analysis Zimbabwe continued experiencing a socio-economic, political and environmental melt down which has further burdened Zimbabweans. The increase in prices, fuel shortages, political violence and discrimination, C yclone Idai among others are ills that citizens have had to deal with. The drought that Zimbabwe is experiencing has left over 2 million people vulnerable and in need of food aid. The increase in cases of discrimination in aid distribution in March can be attributed to this drought and also to cyclone Idai where such cases have been reported. The violation of discrimination almost doubled from 9% recorded in February to 16.9% in March. If the food situation does not improve and the offences of discrimination remain unabated, the violation of discrimination is likely to increase in the coming months. The deterioration in the health delivery system has continued over a period of time with no long lasting solution being put in place. In April 2018, nurses went on strike over poor remuneration and Vice President Constantino Chiwenga fired all of them; a move that could not resolve the issues at hand. In December 2018, Junior Doctors downed their tools citing poor remuneration and deteriorating working conditions. Their grievances were not totally addressed. The strike by Senior Doctors in March 2019 was a sign that the plight of the health sector was not being taken seriously. Public hospitals remain ill-equipped with patients advised to purchase drugs from private pharmacies whose prices are out of reach for many. The violence that has rocked the MDC elective congress preparations have also contributed to the increase in violations. The violence is a manifestation of tensions that have long existed in the party since the days of the late MDC-T President, Morgan Richard Tsvangirai and which heightened after his passing. During Tsvangirai’s funeral, youths believed to be in support of Advocate Chamisa’s ascendency to the presidency attacked the Secretary General Mwonzora (who is being viewed as a Zanu PF project) and the then vice President of the party, Thokozani 11

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