OCTOBER 2022 2 Major Highlights On October 17, in Insiza, Filabusi, Matobo South, over 80 suspected Zanu PF youths disrupted a rally and attacked CCC members with knobkerries and Machetes in Ward 2. The victims were at a CCC party candidate Augustine Gumede’s homestead ahead of the October 22 by-elections. The assailants broke the entrance door and destroyed the property. Hon. Jasmine Toffa and other CCC members suffered severe injuries and were admitted to a private hospital in Bulawayo. Hon Toffa sustained fractures on both wrists, trying to block more attacks on her face after she had been kicked in the forehead. She had to undergo surgery. On October 16, in Matobo District, eight suspected Zanu PF youths attacked CCC members with knobkerries, logs, and whips during a CCC voter mobilisation campaign for the by-elections. The perpetrators discharged live ammunition to disperse the campaigners. Hon Kucaca Phulu, Nonhlanhla Mlotshwa, Mr. Tennyson Ndebele, and other CCC members sustained severe injuries. Elephant Ncube had a fractured arm and leg, Albert Ncube had a fractured arm and broken ribs, Vuyani Fuyane suffered a head injury, and Xolisani Moyo sustained a deep cut on the forehead. Five Zanu PF branded vehicles, a Mazda (ACY3256), Toyota Hilux (AFX1433), and three unidentified cars blocked the passage of CCC supporters’ entourage. Unidentified Zanu PF activists forced four women who were part of the byelection mobilisation team to remove the CCC regalia they wore. They were only left with undergarments and bras. The women mentioned above were subjected to intimidation because they were campaigning for the CCC party. The Zanu PF win of five out of the six by-elections held in Buhera Ward 24, Mutare Ward 18, Takawira Ward 6, Guruve Ward 4, Insiza Ward 4, and Matobo Ward 2 is evidence of the extent of terror in communities. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 2

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