 victimization. However, it is significant to note that everyone has a constitutional right to freely assemble and belong to a political party of one’s choice. On 8 March 2016, Moffat Chironza and Taurai Ngezha (not real names), both of Ward 29 in Gokwe North, were followed by unknown people, suspected to be state agents, on their way from Gokwe Centre. The suspected agents told the victims that they should move out of the constituency if they wanted to protect their lives. The victims happen to be staunch supporters of the MDC T who were influential in mobilizing and recruiting party supporters on behalf of MDC T in 2008. FOOD AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Bulawayo  Food deficits remained critical and were worsened due to continued high unemployment levels and poverty. Though food was available in shops fewer people could afford the cost. The welfare department started registering the elderly and disadvantaged for food relief in urban areas but no one had yet benefitted. Manicaland  On 8 March 2016, in a case of discrimination due to political affiliation, Simon Zoroki (not real name), an MDC-T member of Kagweda Village, Ward 14 Mutasa Central, was denied access to Social Welfare Department food assistance by Never Mukumba (Zanu-PF) of Nyaria Village on the basis that the victim is a staunch MDCT supporter. It is said that on the day in question, Social Welfare Department had availed maize to the community to mitigate the effects of drought. The actor was given the responsibility to distribute the maize which consisted of a 50kg bag of maize per family. The perpetrator told the victim to go away as the maize was from the Zanu-PF government and not meant for sell outs.  In Makoni West, Mupati Village, Ward 8, Julia Nyati (not real name) was denied access to food aid by headman, Israel Chinyadzi. The headman accused the victim of not attending Zanu-PF meetings. The aid was in the `form of a 50kg bag of maize that had been availed by the government through the Social Welfare Department.  In another case of discrimination and denial of access to food aid, on 28 March 2016 at Checheche Business Centre in Chipinge South, several elderly people were denied access to food assistance on the grounds that their children are MDC-T and ZimPF party members. The affected included Stanley Gomo (75), Panganayi Muzondiwa (80) years and Shadreck Sora (70) (not real names). The aid consisted of a 50kg bag of maize from Social Welfare meant for vulnerable groups including orphans, widows and the aged. Mashonaland Central  On 18 March 2016, in Bindura South, Ward 12 at Muone Township, there was a meeting to distribute maize by the Social Welfare Department. Before the arrival of Social Welfare Department, Abraham Mhembere, Zanu-PF chairperson for the ward threatened people with unspecified action if they said anything against Zanu-PF. He 25

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