 On 30 March 2016, in Ward 6, Kutama, Joe Marimo and other Zanu-PF activists were reportedly going round Kutama and Chikambi schools demanding cash from teachers. A list of those who would have paid was drawn up. Those whose names did not appear on the list were labelled sell-outs. Villagers in the area were also forced to donate money resulting in some villagers selling their chickens to pay. Masvingo The recently held MDC-T Meet the People Tour in Masvingo has stoked political fires, where accusations and counter-accusations are being thrown against each other in inter-party politics. In Chiredzi West, a war veteran by the name Vengai Mashaku claimed that he had been assaulted by an MDC-T member. He has since reported the matter to the police and the case will be heard on 30 April 2016 at the magistrate court in Chiredzi. Highlights:   In a case of political intolerance, on 3 March 2016 at Vanyoro Village, Ward 23 in Zaka West, ZimPF held a meeting which was well attended. Those who attended came from Rudhanda Village Ward 27, Vanyoro Ward 23 and Cheruka Ward 24. Soon after the meeting, youth officer for Ward 23, Oliver Rugovera, was approached by suspected state agents and tasked to write down the names of all the people that had attended the ZimPF meeting. The agents said that they wanted the names so that they could deal with the sell-outs. The youth officer felt that the task he was assigned was tough and some of the people who had participated at the meeting were friends and relatives – so he has since disappeared and people suspect he has gone down South. A Grade Four pupil at Maringire Primary School Chivi Central ward 22, name with held was sexually abused by Ruwai Gonzo an uncle and Zanu-PF chairperson. It is said James Mazivise of the Child Protection Committee suspected the abuse and reported the matter to the police. The minor was taken to Ngundu Hospital and the abuse was medically confirmed. However, the actor, fearful of arrest has since disappeared from the area. Matabeleland North Political parties increased their presence in the province as they jostled for supporters in the countdown to the general elections due in 2018. ZimPF brought much movement in the political field as they targeted mostly disgruntled Zanu-PF members, who joined them in big numbers. They also managed to get some from MDC-T and the MDC led by Welshman Ncube. The increase in political activities led to an upsurge in incidents of discrimination in food distribution as politicians abused their positions to woo supporters. Zanu-PF members, in particular, were roundly accused of using food as a political tool. Those perceived to be opposition or to belong to rival factions were denied the right to 22

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