 On 21 March 2016, Zanu-PF youths started toy toying (marching) around 5am along Progress Road, Ward 12 in Bindura North allegedly targeting top of the range vehicles following a rumour that Mujuru was going to address a meeting at Chiwaridzo Primary School in Ward 12. Their intention was to disrupt the meeting and beat up those who were going to attend the meeting. When they saw a top of the range car they were shouting, “Garira neko, garira nekoko,” (“Watch for this one, watch for this one.”) searching the cars to establish if they were from Mujuru 's party, but all was in vain because she did not turn up. The Zanu-PF youths included Rodrick Jacha aged 33, Giveus Mubaiwa aged 35, Tafara Bonde aged 23 all residents of Garikai. It is alleged that these youths were later given beer, drinks, bread and cigarettes by their leaders as a thank you for the exercise.  On 30 March 2016, Zanu-PF youths allegedly went to Mutambara's farm with the aim of harassing him for being a member of ZimPF. About 40 youths were ferried from Kitsiyatota in a T35 truck. They sang Chimurenga songs demanding that Mutambara leaves the farm. The youths are said to have been promised pieces of land. At around 11am the police dispersed the group who left the farm after being told that riot police were on their way. It is said the provincial chairperson for Mashonaland Central, Dickson Mafios, had gave the order to the youths to go and evict Mutambara from the farm in Ward 1 for crossing the floor to ZimPF. Contacted by ZPP, Mafios denied the incident took place. Mashonaland East As 2018 elections draw closer, political parties are setting up structures in different parts of the country. However, in some areas as in Marondera East, village heads are being forced to schedule meetings in their areas and force their subjects to attend all the meetings. In Murehwa North some of the village heads refused restructuring forms that were being distributed and were set to appear before a disciplinary committee. In Mudzi West, a Zanu-PF member threatened villagers that if they attended an MDC-T rally they were going to be dealt with. Attendance of Zanu-PF meetings continues to be a requirement for people to access food aid. Highlights:  At a Zanu-PF meeting held at Masikana shops in Ward 19 in Marondera East on 3 March 2016, village heads in Gonye, Zinatsa and Chakaingesu were harassed and intimidated. They were forced to schedule political meetings in their area by the Zanu-PF district chairperson Oliver Chikanga (32) of Chikanga Village. They were forced to ensure that every kraal head brought all their subjects to the meeting. Village heads present were Johnny Kwiti, Felix Sherekete and Temba Gonye who agreed due to fear.  On 4 March 2016, in Ward 16, Chinake Village in Murehwa North at around 10am there was a meeting at Chemapango Township for all Ward 16 village heads. The village heads were given forms to organize cell structures in the area. Village head 17

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