  On 22 March 2016, at Lydia Chimonyo High School, Chimanimani West, teachers were forced to pay US$1 each towards the Independence Day celebrations by ZanuPF local leadership. It is alleged that those who refused to pay were told to put that in writing. The majority of teachers complied due to fear. On 22 March 2016, Jane Nzanga (not real name), an MDC-T member of Dangamvura, was physically assaulted by Beaven Kakomwe, a Zanu-PF member. The actor and fellow party members were at a meeting when the victim passed through the venue of the meeting. The actor suspected that the victim was on a spying mission and went to her and began to assault her using clenched fists. The victim sustained a swollen face and broken wrist. Mashonaland Central ZimPF members were being assaulted and discriminated against in the province. In Mazowe Central, a man was assaulted for selling ZimPF membership cards while in Bindura North Zanu-PF youths allegedly barricaded roads after they heard that ZimPF leader, Joice Mujuru, was expected to address a rally in that area. Additionally, a march was organized to evict former Ambassador Agrippa Mutambara from his farm for being aligned with the ZimPF. Mutambara, a war veteran, publicly quit Zanu-PF and joined ZimPF. Teachers were forced to contribute towards the Independence Day celebrations. Food aid was still being distributed on partisan grounds with a Zanu-PF chairperson in Bindura South threatening people not to disclose the distribution criteria to Social Welfare officials. Highlights:  On 15 March 2016, Moses Jack, a ZimPF chairperson was giving everyone who bought membership cards US$10 each. He was allegedly assaulted by Zanu-PF chairperson Michael Katiza and two youths Susan Gomo and James Chikuni and all the membership cards were burnt. The incident happened at Gweshe Town Centre in ward 17 in Mazowe Central at around 5pm.  Lewis Murodza (45) Zanu-PF district secretary with five youths from Ward 11 were allegedly moving around writing names of all people who had registered to vote. They were requesting voter registration slips from the people. This exercise started on 18 to 25 March 2016.  On 21 March 2016, at around 0900 hours, it is alleged Petros Muswaka, a Zanu-PF district chairperson and about eight other Zanu-PF party members were going round local schools forcing teachers to contribute a dollar for Independence Day celebrations. Teachers from Kundayi High School and Richmond Munyoro of Amandas Primary School were some of the affected teachers. They threatened the teachers that if they did not pay the required amount they would be blacklisted with Public Service Commission in the near future. The incident happened in Mazowe West, Ward 15. 16

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