found the place occupied by Nicodemus Ndebele leading G40 faction singing and chanting slogans supporting First Lady Grace Mugabe. There were about two hundred in attendance and violence was averted when provincial member Makheyi Dube stopped the meeting and people dispersed. Harare There were very few incidents of political violence recorded in the province for the month under review. The province had a number of meetings that were held by different political parties as they prepare for the 2018 elections. Zanu-PF, MDC-T, ZimPF and the PDP held meetings in various parts of the province. However, some of the meetings were poorly attended due to massive police presence, which was meant to intimidate those who wanted to attend. This was the case in Warren Park where the water canon truck was patrolling the streets of the suburb. It is also reported that in Zengeza East, Zanu-PF youths have started to put up terror bases. Highlights:  On 5 March 2016 Richard Chamutsa, an MDC-T councillor for Ward 5 and Levison Dube chairperson Ward 5 reportedly had an altercation. There are factions between sitting Member of Parliament (MP) Dickson Tarusenga and Adam Puzo, who is believed to be preparing to stand as MP in next elections. At around 6pm at Chigovanyika Shopping Centre in St Mary’s Chamutsa was humiliated by Dube who accused the councillor of not being organised. The councillor is said to have later assaulted Dube. Chamutsa belongs to the Tarusenga faction while Dube supports Puzo. Chamutsa could not be reached for comment, however, Dube confirmed the two had a heated verbal exchange.  On 5 March 2016, Moreson Duwaduwa an MDC-T youth member who is aligned to the Puzo faction was assaulted by Elizabeth Sibanda who is the St Mary’s Ward 5 chairperson for the MDC-T. It is reported that MP Tarusenga gave an order to deal with Puzo supporters promising to protect them. Tarusenga could not be reached for comment this time around, however he has previously admitted to ZPP that there is conflict between him and Puzo although he says he would not encourage violence amongst members.  On 19 of March 2016, ZimPF held its zone 3 rally at Warren Park council grounds. There was heavy police presence with armed police manning road intersections and there was a water canon vehicle moving around the suburb. The heavy presence of the police is said to have intimidated people not to attend the rally which was addressed by Bright Matonga. Matonga confirmed to ZPP their supporters’ intimidation.  On 19 March 2016, at Pamapositori (outside Glen View District office) approximately 300 people attended a ZimPF rally. A while after the rally had started two commuter buses full of Zanu-PF youths who were believed to have been bussed from Mbare arrived. They were armed with catapults, stones and sticks and attacked the people at the rally. A number of people sustained injuries. It is reported that ZimPF supporters did not fight back as the riot police was present. Three youths from Zanu-PF were 14

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