Provincial Summaries Bulawayo People Democratic Party (PDP) led by Tendai Biti and Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) led by former Vice President Joice Mujuru were the more visible political players on the ground campaigning and recruiting members. No cases of actual physical violations were reported but inter-and intra-party conflicts continued to be noted. Two new political parties, Liberal Democrats led by Vusumuzi Sibanda and Zimbabwe Independents Democrats (Zim ID) led by Eglone Moyo came on board the political arena. The two are said to be still headquartered in South Africa currently. A case of displacement was recorded at Mazwi Village on the outskirts of Bulawayo when eighteen villagers were notified of impending eviction. Many new faces were noticed during civic society activities raising speculation that this was an increase in numbers of State Security agents, in particular members of the Central Intelligence. Highlights:  On 12 March 2016, the MDC led by Welshman Ncube was involved in intra-party conflict when aspiring chairperson candidate for Ward 3 in Woodville, Gift Sibanda, threatened to beat up two women for opposing his bid. He was restrained by other party members.  On 13 March 2016, Nketa residents held a meeting at Nketa Hall where they accused Ward 24 MDC-T councillor, Gideon Mangena, of employing council part time workers on partisan lines among other accusations of abuse of office. The residents, led by Zanu-PF members said even the recruitment for workers for the upcoming Egodini Mall was in favour of MDC-T members.  On 15 March 2016, ZimPF coordinator in Lobengula, Mandla Ngwenya, and another activist who defected from Zanu-PF, Themba Zondo (not their real names) of 71457 Lobengula West complained that they were threatened by Zanu-PF youths and were being trailed by unknown people.  Eighteen villagers from Mazwi Village on the outskirts of Bulawayo were in 2013 issued with eviction notices by the City Council. From then on no action was taken and the area Ward 17 councillor, Ephraim Ncube even assured them they were now allowed to stay. However, when they went to the housing office to pay rates they were told they were not on council records. On 24 March 2016, they were ordered to leave or face demolitions. They believe they are being victimised on political grounds.  On 26 March 2016, Zanu-PF intra-party intolerance of diversity resulted in members aligned to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa being barred from holding a meeting. Ziyaphapha district chairperson, Charles Nyama and fellow Lacoste faction supporters went to party offices in Makokoba intending to hold their meeting. They 13

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