Masvingo Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Theft/Looting Discrimination Assault Unlawful detention Displacement Total Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal liberty Property rights 3 2 1 1 1 22 Harassment/Intimidation Assault Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 3 1 1 5 Harare Harassment/Intimidation 8 The level of violations continues to rise in the province. There was a 25% increase in violations recorded in April as compared to March. This was generally attributed to the Independence Day preparations as most incidents were of forced contributions in monetary terms or in kind for the celebrations. Other major conflicts recorded were the intra party clashes especially within the MDC-T with the entire provincial leadership joining the renewal team. Violations also continued to be documented at Chingwizi displacement camp for Tokwe Mukosi flood victims as cases of sex for food were reported. Abuse of resources is also said to be rampant.  Between the 15th and 16th April 2014 in Mwenezi a public service Inspector one Gondo who is a known Zanu PF sympathiser coerced civil servants to pay $5 each towards the Independence celebrations. He reportedly ordered school heads and other government department heads to urge their subordinates to contribute or face being labelled opposition functionaries and rendering them ineligible for promotion.  15/4/14-In Chivi South, Joko village Zanu PF activists identified as Kenneth Gwengo, P Nyoni and W. Mareva forced villagers to pay 5 rand each for the independence celebrations. Over 60 households were targeted and those who failed to pay were labelled MDC -T supporters and threatened with eviction and beatings. The money collected was reportedly never used to buy food for the celebrations as indicated.  6/4/14- In Chiredzi East a woman and her four minor children were denied food aid from government scheme by John Matsilele a Zanu PF activist who accused her of having de-campaigned Zanu PF in last year’s elections.  In early April, MDC T members clashed when activists led by Bernard Chiondengwa forcibly removed party property from Tongai Matutu’s premises which used to be party offices. They took the property to new offices in Rhodein as they accused Matutu and other provincial executives of belonging to the Biti faction. The province continues to record low figures in terms of politically motivated violence. The major cases of violence cases were from the MDC-T intra-party conflicts. In the month of April three cases of harassment were record while March recorded a total of 7. Political intolerance among political parties is another major source of conflict which mainly manifested as harassment and intimidation.  30/04/14. –At house number 4889 in Unit C, a Zanu PF female activist was harassed and threatened with beatings by James Marigo of MDC-T party for playing Zanu PF jingles at her house.  26/04/14 –At ITG Masasa shop councilor for ward 9 Stewart Mtizwa and other

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